Should I Consider a Refractive Lens Exchange For Presbyopia?

Do you have presbyopia? This eye condition affects your ability to focus on up-close objects. It’s a common condition in adults over the age of 40. Over 100 million American adults have presbyopia. It is a normal part of the aging process. Presbyopia occurs if you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism. The most common effect… Read More
Is Presbyopia Something To Worry About?

As you age, your vision starts to lose sharpness. This is a natural part of aging. Presbyopia occurs when your vision loss hinders your ability to see up close. Presbyopia develops gradually, over the course of your life. Most patients begin to experience symptoms of presbyopia around the age of 40. Keep reading to learn… Read More
8 Signs Your Eyes Are Suffering From Fatigue

Do you ever notice that your eyes feel tired after a long day staring at your computer screen? Were your eyes tired after a recent road trip? These are some signs that you could be suffering from eye fatigue. While eye fatigue can be annoying, it is not usually serious. It will often go away… Read More
What Does The Cornea Do?

Have you ever learned about the different parts of the eye? Do you wonder what they all do? While there are many parts of the eye, the cornea is one of the most important ones. But what does the cornea do? Keep reading to find out more about this important part of the eye!… Read More